
Goodbye Gordon Road...Hello Carnarvon Gorge

Today we leave the homestay. While it felt as though the day should have been spent as a lazy Sunday (in a lovely laze weekend), Andrew and I found ourselves with much busy-ness. We both had our Terrestrial Ecology writing assignments, which are due before we leave for Carnarvon Gorge tomorrow. Additionally, we had been invited to Ryan and Dan's host family for dinner last night, clear on the other side of the city. Then, we had a breakfast on Sunday with the agent who manages homestay placements followed by a dinner with Heather's dauthers and grandchildren. On top of it, we are packing up and moving back to the hostel tonight.

Tomorrow we leave for Carnarvon Gorge (pronounced cuh-NAH-vun). I will be without electricity and the luxuries like telephone and internet that it brings. In a week, we should be in Heron Island, where I might have some...

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